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What Kingdom Do Frogs Belong To?

With so many unique traits and abilities, frogs are undeniably fascinating creatures. But, there has been plenty of confusion concerning their scientific classification (taxonomy), leaving enthusiasts and animal lovers to wonder which groups frogs fall under.  Frogs fall within the Animalia kingdom, the Chordata phylum, the Vertebrata subphylum, the Amphibia class, and the order of …

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Do Frogs Have Backbones?

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When I was a kid and showed my pet toad to my friends, for some reason they always asked me if frogs have a backbone. The answer seemed very logical to me, who spent a lot of time observing frogs, but they would ask me if frogs had backbones, cartilage, or were invertebrates. Although frogs …

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The 2nd Plague of Frogs: What to Know

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Amphibians have been around for much longer than many believe, with some discovered frog fossils dating back to the Dinosaur Area about 200 million years ago. Some cultures and religions have described fascinating and miraculous events that may have taken place thousands of years ago, one of which is the Frogs Plague. The Frog Plague …

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Differences Between Frogs & Toads

If you’re interested in amphibians, you might be wondering what the differences are between toads and frogs and if they can peacefully coexist in a shared space. Although frogs and toads might look similar to the observer, they are different species with different needs, which can impact the frequency with which they interact and also …

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Can Frogs Change Gender?

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Frogs are incredible creatures that can change their gender in natural settings. Frogs have been shown to be intersex, hermaphrodite, or to reverse their sex in polluted as well as pristine waters. Many frog species are known to include intersex individuals that have changed gender or reversed their sex from male to female, or female …

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14 Fascinating Yet Bizarre Types of Frogs

Amphibian fans can all agree that frogs are undeniably unique and interesting creatures, and all frogs are gifted with incredibly special abilities and characteristics. But, there are quite a few perplexing and remarkably fascinating frog species, most of which we may never be able to see up close in real life.  Some of the most …

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Are Frogs Gay?

You may have heard in popular culture that frogs are gay. But are frogs truly interested in the opposite gender of their own species?  Although there are 500 animal species that are recognized to display homosexual behavior in nature, only two types of frogs among over 7,500 frog species are on the list. Frogs reproduce …

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Frog Tympanic Membrane

s a kid, it was very intriguing to me how the frogs in our yard could hear. One time I inadvertently let the dog out while Toady was hopping around in the yard and you bet the dog bark startled him. But how can a frog hear anything with no visible ears? Generally, frogs can …

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Frog Anatomy: Everything to Know

I was against dissecting a frog to discover its anatomy when I was in high school! I still hate the sight of blood or guts, and I love frogs. Luckily, one of my friends wanted to become a Doctor and was super excited about cutting something open. You can bet that I jumped on the …

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Where Do Frogs Live? (Surprising Truths)

I loved looking for frogs as a kid and discovering all the cool places where they live. I still enjoy finding frogs in their natural habitat today and have included many photos I took of locations where frogs live in this article. Aquatic frogs generally live in calm areas of freshwater lakes (bayous), as well …

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