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African Dwarf Frog Facts

African Dwarf Frogs are made up of several different species that are common in the global pet trade. They have several adaptations unique to the anuran family they are grouped in, and as individual species.Ā  There are many cool facts to know about African Dwarf Frogs including the following: African Dwarf frogs are a fully …

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14 Frogs Can You Find in The Rainforest

Rainforests are home to hundreds of fascinating frog species that are generally active all year round. The Rainforest contains the perfect environment for frogs to thrive with an abundance of humidity, warmth, bugs, and shelter. There are hundreds of Rainforest frog species but the most well known are Poison Dart Frogs, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, Mission …

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Why Are Cane Toads a Problem?

Cane Toad-min 2

There were no toads in many parts of the world until Cane Toads were taken from South America in the 1930s and brought to other countries, making them an invasive species. Cane Toads are a problem because they are an invasive species representing a threat to local biodiversity. Cane Toads are highly toxic and can …

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Where Do Tree Frogs Go In The Winter?

One of the things that I learned when I was young is that all frogs are cold-blooded animals, meaning that their body temperature fluctuates based on their environment. I live in Canada and temperatures can easily reach -40Ā° during the Winter. Despite the harsh cold, frogs still come out and thrive in the Spring. So …

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Do Frogs Mate With Fish?

Frogs are amphibians, meaning that they are born in water but can also live on land as adults. Therefore, frogs may interact significantly with other aquatic species such as fish. After explaining frog reproduction to other people, I often get the question if frogs can mate with fish. Itā€™s not a crazy question, and you …

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15 Types of Fully & Semi-Aquatic Frogs

I loved looking for aquatic frogs in local ponds as a kid. Frogs that live in water tend to be fairly passive, spending most of the day staying hydrated and breathing in water. Types of aquatic frogs include fully aquatic, and semi-aquatic frog species. Just like fish, fully aquatic frog species live in water full-time …

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Why Were Cane Toads Introduced?


Cane Toads are well-known for the problems they have caused over the years, as they have had drastic impacts on the surrounding ecosystems. Many issues were not foreseen, as Cane Toads were introduced to numerous regions worldwide with the prospect of aiding the environment.  While Cane Toads are native to South America, they were introduced …

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15 Types Of Frogs You Can Find in Perth

Australia is a dream destination for wildlife and amphibian enthusiasts. With such a diverse assortment of frog species in the area, it can become challenging to discern one from another. Perth is inhabited by the Slender Tree Frog, Motorbike Frog, Quacking Frog, Orange-Bellied Frog, Wheatbelt Frog, White-Footed Trilling Frog, Western Spotted Frog, Moaning Frog, Sand …

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15 Types Of Frogs You Can Find In Texas

Frogs are abundant in various parts of the United States, and Texas is home to a wide range of amphibian species. With so many fascinating frogs to find in the wild, it can become challenging to differentiate one species from another. Texas is inhabited by the Blanchardā€™s Cricket Frog, Canyon Tree Frog, Copeā€™s Gray Tree …

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11 Types of Frogs You can Find in Ontario

Ontario is home to many different frog species despite the harsh Winter weather. The vast majority of the frogs that can be found in Ontario are located in South and Eastern parts of the province, yet many can also be found province-wide. You can generally find 13 different frog species across Ontario including terrestrial, arboreal, …

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