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Anura: Everything There is to Know


Anura is a scientific animal Order that contains two main types of amphibians: frogs, and toads. Despite the existence of several other amphibious species, these two species share some specific characteristics unique to Anura as an Order and warrant them being separated from the other two amphibian Orders, Caudata and Gymnophiona.Ā  All frogs and toads …

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Frog Tongue: Everything There is to Know

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Frogs have several characteristics that make them unique creatures, but their most distinctive feature by far is their tongue. These incredible muscular organs are essential to a frog’s survival, especially to catch prey. However, most people know very little about frog tongues apart from the fact that they’re long and can snatch flies out of …

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Why Do Toads Have Warts?

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I had a pet toad as a kid and I wondered why it had warts. My grandmother told me it was to give me warts. I did not listen, thank goodness, and learned the true reason toads have warts as an adult. So here it is. Toads use their wart-like bumps to camouflage with their …

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How to Know a Frogā€™s Gender

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If you have ever tried looking at a frog to guess if it is male or female, you probably realized itā€™s pretty difficult. It is almost impossible to tell whether a frog is male, female, or hermaphrodite because its reproductive organs are internal, so determining a frogā€™s gender can be complicated. However, there are characteristics …

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Do Toads Have Teeth?

Toads can seem kind of scary if you donā€™t know a lot about them or their teeth. They can be big, have warts, could pee on you, and are all poisonous. So, naturally, adding a potential toad bite to the mix might make people more fearful of them. Toads do not have teeth and feed …

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Frog Tympanic Membrane

s a kid, it was very intriguing to me how the frogs in our yard could hear. One time I inadvertently let the dog out while Toady was hopping around in the yard and you bet the dog bark startled him. But how can a frog hear anything with no visible ears? Generally, frogs can …

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Frog Anatomy: Everything to Know

I was against dissecting a frog to discover its anatomy when I was in high school! I still hate the sight of blood or guts, and I love frogs. Luckily, one of my friends wanted to become a Doctor and was super excited about cutting something open. You can bet that I jumped on the …

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5 Awesome Ways Frogs Move

Understanding how frogs move is an area of curiosity for all ages. Whether it be a small child catching frogs with a friend, or a biology student dissecting one to learn about its anatomy, many are driven by the need to understand frogs. Frogs generally move by jumping, leaping, hopping, swimming, climbing, crawling, or digging. …

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Frog Urine: Everything There is to Know

I can tell you I was very surprised as a kid when I first picked up a toad and my hands suddenly got very wet. I was not sure what happened at first, but then my older cousin ran by laughing at me saying the frog had just peed on my hand. This instinctive frog …

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Frog Skin: Everything to Know

Frogs truly have fascinating skin, not only from an observational position, but also from a biological, physiological, medical, and pharmaceutical standpoint.  Frog skin is thin, moist, delicate, slimy, permeable and allows frogs to breathe, drink, and protect themselves. Frog skin can be used in pharmaceuticals for its properties, and pain-killing properties. From a biological standpoint, …

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