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How Much Do Frogs Weigh?

One of the most amazing things about frogs is that there are over 7,500 different kinds and more being discovered every month by scientists around the world. Since there are so many frogs species, their size and weight can greatly vary from one frog to another. As a general rule, the average weight of frogs …

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Why Frogs Shed Their Skin

How Frogs Eat-min

I was watching my wild toad outside when I was a kid one Summer morning and honestly thought it was choking and dying. It was rubbing its head and opening its mouth in a very strange way I had never seen before. However, after acute observation, I realized the toad was just shedding its dead …

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Where Do Frogs Go In The Winter?

Amphibians have survived through numerous harsh natural events and weather conditions, even though they thrive in warmer seasons. Frogs are often abundant in various locations throughout the year but seem to go missing during cold seasons, leading many animal lovers to wonder where frogs may go during the Winter.  Generally, aquatic frogs go under decaying …

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Why Do Frogs Have Webbed Feet?

Different species of frogs tend to differ in terms of certain aspects depending on their environment and their natural habitat. But one of the physical traits that you may notice that is quite common among different frogs is that they have webbed feet. Aquatic frogs generally have webbed feet for swimming, while some tree frogs …

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Are Frogs And Toads Different?

When I was a kid I loved toads, but I always got frog-related gifts on my birthday. Everybody knows what a frog is, but few people know why toads are any different. Too often, the words frog and toad are used interchangeably, yet they are not the same species. All toads are frogs, yet frogs …

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Do Frogs Have Tails?

With so many fascinating metamorphic changes, amphibians flaunt a wide range of physical features throughout their lives. This has led to plenty of confusion surrounding their development, and many animal lovers wonder if frogs have tails. Frogs have tails as tadpoles, as they are fully aquatic and need tails to swim during this time. However, …

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Do Frogs Have Ears?

Bullfrog Facts-min

If you ever looked at a frog you may wonder how they hear. Unlike cats and dogs, frogs do not have visible external ears. Yet frogs clearly hear us when we approach them since they often hop or swim away. Although a frog’s hearing system, may not always be visible, the can hear their surroundings …

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Can Toads Swim?

Although most frogs begin their lives in water, not all frogs remain there, including toads. As adults, most toads live on land. There were always toads in our backyard so I never really wondered if toads could swim until I met my first aquatic frog as a child. Generally, toads can swim but are not …

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Do Frogs Have Opposable Thumbs?

Many mammals, including primates, humans, opossums, and other tree-dwelling animals have opposable thumbs. This digit provides our hands with extra malleability and dexterity. Yet, there are so many different kinds of frogs that it may seem difficult to grasp if frogs are also on the list of animals that have opposable thumbs. As a general …

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What Kingdom Do Frogs Belong To?

With so many unique traits and abilities, frogs are undeniably fascinating creatures. But, there has been plenty of confusion concerning their scientific classification (taxonomy), leaving enthusiasts and animal lovers to wonder which groups frogs fall under.  Frogs fall within the Animalia kingdom, the Chordata phylum, the Vertebrata subphylum, the Amphibia class, and the order of …

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