How to Keep Frogs Out of Your Pool

Frogs are attracted to water, and a worst-case scenario is for them to see your pool as their next home.

Even though they do not pose significant health risks to humans, frogs, their tadpoles, or their eggs should not remain in your pool.

Frog proofing your swimming pool and yard by covering the pool when not in use, keeping the pool water warm and circulating, and installing appropriate fencing around your property can keep frogs out of your swimming pool. 

Once you safely removed the frogs from your pool, you probably want to permanently keep them away without using pesticides or killing them.

FrogLog Escape Ramp for Critters in Pools

  • Save Frogs & Small Animals
  • Easy Setup
  • Simple Design
  • Keep Water Clean

Let’s dive into proper frog-proofing methods for pool owners, safe frog repellents, and how to keep frogs, their tadpoles, and eggs off your property and out of your pool for good.

Install Appropriate Fencing Around Your Yard

The main reason people find frogs in their pool is they fall in by accident.

Frogs generally cannot escape a pool due to the height of the edges.

Start frog-proofing your pool by putting up fencing around your yard to make it difficult for frogs to reach the pool in the first place.

You can stop frogs and toads from entering your backyard or garden by putting up a tight, smooth, solid fence around your yard that is at least 50cm (20 inches) above and below ground.

Frogs can jump high, and toads can dig deep, that is why the fence should be below and above ground to keep both out of your yard. 

Stop Cane Toads in Your Yard!

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Watch the video above to learn more about installing fencing to keep frogs like Cane Toads out of your yard.

Keep Your Pool Covered

Frogs need water to live in or lay eggs and so to keep them out of your pool, be sure to cover it when it’s not in use.

If a frog falls onto the pool cover, it will have a much easier time jumping out of the pool and escaping.

If you cannot always keep your pool covered or if you enjoy the aesthetic of an open pool in your yard.

Simply be sure to cover it during a rainy season, and at night when frogs are known to be more active.

If you’re also planning to travel and you suspect you will be away from your home for a long time, it would be best to leave your pool covered to avoid surprises upon your return.

Add a Frog Log to Your Pool

If you are still working on frog-proofing your pool as a whole, one of the best ways to help frogs escape is using a FrogLog.

FrogLog Escape Ramp for Critters in Pools

  • Save Frogs & Small Animals
  • Easy Setup
  • Simple Design
  • Keep Water Clean

This simple amphibian ladder allows frogs to easily climb out of the pool if they fall in. 

Keep in mind that frogs do not want to be in your chlorine-filled pool and would escape if they could.

Toads using a FrogLog to escape an in-ground pool – Source:

Providing them a FrogLog or similar device to climb out of the pool is an easy, passive way to help save them while you work on other ways of keeping them off your property altogether.

Get a pool fountain or leave the pool pump active to force the water to circulate and create motion, which will deter frogs and keep them away (CTNF).

Keep The Pool Water Circulating

Frogs love stagnant or very slow-moving water so that they can lay eggs without the fear of them being washed away.

On the other hand, moving water or currents generally keep frogs away, forcing them to look for calmer water.

Warm The Pool Water

It’s basic chemistry that cold water can retain more oxygen than warm water.

As it turns out, frogs breathe and drink through their skin.

By heating the water constantly, you’ll be depriving it of oxygen, which will force the frogs to avoid it or leave.

However, to keep the electric bill low, it’s best to use solar-based equipment such as solar rings or a solar pool cover to heat the water. 

Keep The Grass Short Around The Pool

Frogs do their best to avoid dehydration, avoid direct sunlight, and hide from predators among vegetation.

Long grasses near a pool would offer them bugs, shelter, and access to water, which is everything a frog needs to thrive.

To make sure they do not have anywhere to hide or access food, it’s best to keep the grass very short around the pool.

Install a Fence Around The Pool

Sometimes the only way to keep frogs from your pool is by having a barrier around the pool. It doesn’t have to be sophisticated but it should be very tight.

Any holes can allow frogs to squeeze through. 

You can purchase a ready-made fence, or you can stand wooden boards that are at least 50cm (20 inches) above and below ground around the pool.

This should be high enough to keep out aquatic frogs, and deep enough to keep out toads.

Eliminate Stagnant Water Around Your Home

Small water holes around your compound could be problematic as they can act as breeding grounds for frogs and toads.

Remember that an adult frog can lay thousands of eggs, and they prefer calm, fresh, fish-free water to do so. 

Drain any stagnant water on your property resulting from:

  • Overwatering your lawn: Avoid watering your lawn more than you should, as this might end up attracting frogs. 

  • Rainy season: A poor drainage system could be the reason your compound gets flooded every time it rains. Invest in a proper drainage system to clear water from your compound. 

  • Broken pipes: Old pipes are vulnerable. Ensure no pipes are broken and check with a plumber to see which pipes need replacing if necessary.

Turn Off All Unnecessary Lights At Night

Frogs and toads are nocturnal and lights attract insects, which in turn attract frogs.

Make sure you switch off lights near the pool to keep bugs and frogs away from it.

Consider any lights on your property including the lights on your home, in your garden, solar lights, as well as the lights in the pool.

Use Natural Frog Repellants to Keep Frogs Away

If you do not have the patience to catch every frog from your pool or the resources to invest in a proper frog proofing method, you could try using natural frog repellants to keep them away.

Keep in mind that this solution alone will probably not suffice, however, since most of these home remedies will eventually wash away.

Some of the best natural frog repellents include:

  • Vinegar: Mix it with water and sprinkle around the pool. It irritates the frogs’ skin and makes them uncomfortable. 

  • Citric acid: Works the same way as vinegar.

  • Coffee grounds: Used coffee grounds are acidic, which irritates the frog’s skin. Spread used coffee grounds on the grass around the pool. 

Never pour or spray any of these things directly onto frogs and never use bleach.

Learn more about how to use natural frog repellents on our blog

Create a Dedicated Frog Pond

Sometimes the best way to get rid of frogs and tadpoles from your pool is by offering them a natural habitat they can make their own.

A dedicated frog pond

In this case, a small frog pond would do, and it should be far from your pool.

This option is best for those who are comfortable having frogs on their property. 

Learn how to make a frog pond in this guide on our blog

More About Keeping Frogs Away From Your Pool

Having frogs in your pool can be a nuisance, and if you don’t take proper measures, you could be forced to drain the pool to get rid of them.

Safely taking the frogs out of the pool, and then frog proofing your pool will help get rid of these intruders.

Learn more about keeping frogs away from your property in these guides on our blog:

Common Questions About Frogs in Your Pool

Why are there frogs in my pool? Frogs generally fall in pools by accident. Frogs generally cannot escape a pool due to the height of the edges. Frogs and toads do not like chlorine, salt, or any other harsh chemical and do not want to be in your pool. Relocate them to their original pond which should be close to your home.

How do you permanently get rid of frogs? The best way to permanently get rid of frogs is to safely relocate them to their original pond and frog-proof your yard and pool. Stop frogs and toads from entering your backyard or garden by putting up a tight, smooth fence around your yard that is at least 50cm (20 in) above and below ground.

How do you get rid of nuisance frogs?
Do not kill nuisance frogs since they may be endangered or protected by local laws. The best way to get rid of nuisance frogs is to frog-proof your yard, garden, or pool by eliminating what attracts them including garbage, stagnant water, and shelter like tall grass or vegetation.

Master Herpetologist

Sam is a Biologist passionate about amphibians. He took over to make frog education engaging and accessible, providing resources that inspire others to care for frogs and their habitats.