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Frog Butt: Everything There is to Know

Although you may have had a detailed look at frog anatomy in high school, you may not have paid much attention to the frogā€™s butt. Thatā€™s probably because you dissected a Leopard Frog which does not have buttcheeks like the photo you saw on Social Media. So, do frogs really have ā€œFrog buttsā€? As a …

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Frog Tympanic Membrane

s a kid, it was very intriguing to me how the frogs in our yard could hear. One time I inadvertently let the dog out while Toady was hopping around in the yard and you bet the dog bark startled him. But how can a frog hear anything with no visible ears? Generally, frogs can …

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Frog Anatomy: Everything to Know

I was against dissecting a frog to discover its anatomy when I was in high school! I still hate the sight of blood or guts, and I love frogs. Luckily, one of my friends wanted to become a Doctor and was super excited about cutting something open. You can bet that I jumped on the …

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3 Types of Frogs You Can Find in Nature

As a kid I noticed that there are different types of frogs just by observing them in their natural habitats. They seemed to have different features and habits depending on where I found them. But it’s not until after doing research later on in life that I realized what truly makes these frogs different from one …

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How to Find a Lost Frog in Your House

My outdoor pet toad made it’s way into the house and got lost somewhere when I was a kid and my mom freaked out. It is never fun to find out that you have a frog (or multiple frogs) running loose inside your house, but don’t worry. There are ways to find and catch them …

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5 Types of Frogs You Can Eat

With frog legs on the rise as a popular and tasty dish, exotic meat markets and restaurants are buying frogs from all over the world to serve them to experienced and curious customers alike. However, only a few types of frogs are truly edible, as most species are either too small or dangerous to be …

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11 Types of Frogs You Can Find in Wisconsin

Frogs are fascinating creatures and are crucial to many ecosystems in Wisconsin. There are many different types of frogs in the world, and the kinds you find vary greatly from place to place. Wisconsin is home to many interesting frog breeds, and there is a great deal to learn about each one. As a general …

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5 Awesome Ways Frogs Move

Understanding how frogs move is an area of curiosity for all ages. Whether it be a small child catching frogs with a friend, or a biology student dissecting one to learn about its anatomy, many are driven by the need to understand frogs. Frogs generally move by jumping, leaping, hopping, swimming, climbing, crawling, or digging. …

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Frog Urine: Everything There is to Know

I can tell you I was very surprised as a kid when I first picked up a toad and my hands suddenly got very wet. I was not sure what happened at first, but then my older cousin ran by laughing at me saying the frog had just peed on my hand. This instinctive frog …

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Guide: Safely Catch And Hold Frogs & Toads

If you want to go out exploring to find frogs, have one in your yard you want to move, or a toad in your window well you want to save and are unsure how to catch them, this guide is for you. Catching frogs can be a fun experience, but it is very important to …

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