Where Can You Find Frogs in the USA?

There are frogs in every part of the United States. Frogs can be found from the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico to the snowy uplands of Maine and every place in-between. Bullfrogs and Tree Frogs are part of the nightly summer chorus, while others like the Mississippi Gopher frogs are rarely seen.

Frogs can generally be found in all regions in the USA. There are frogs Alaska, Pacific Tree Frogs singing in Death Valley, American Bullfrogs in many parts of Eastern States, and Green Frogs inhabit every body of water in the Northeast of the United States. 

Frogs are adaptable amphibians that live in all climates and all elevations of the United States. Frogs have smooth skin that is covered with a thin mucous layer, have long legs, protruding eyes, and aquatic frogs can leap long distances. Frogs can be found in various regions spanning across the US, including: 

These regions cover all portions of the US. Depending on where you go, you will find various frog species, and different types of frogs with unique shapes, sizes, and characteristics.

1. Pacific Northwest Frogs

The Pacific Northwest is known for high mountains, grassy lowlands, mixed-forest hill country, and temperate rainforest. These climates are suitable for a wide array of frogs.

  • The Pacific Tree Frog. This is the most common type of frog in the Pacific Northwest. This little frog is green with golden eyes and a black stripe running down the side. It can be found everywhere and sings all night during mild weather. 
  • Northern Leopard Frog. This is a larger frog that is covered with black spots. It overwinters at the bottom of ponds and lakes, emerging from the water in the spring.
  • Oregon Spotted Frog. This medium-sized frog lives around every kind of body of water in Southwest Oregon. If you walk up to a pond and a frog splashes in, it was probably an Oregon Spotted Frog.
  • Rocky Mountain Tailed Frog. This unusual frog is very tiny, but it lives in the cold mountain streams of the Pacific Northwest. It has a little stub tail that it keeps for life. 

Like with most frog species, Frogs found in the Pacific Northwest can be found in various bodies of water such as ponds and lakes depending on the seasonality. 

2. American Southwest Frogs

The American Southwest is home to wide valleys of fertile land that receive irrigation in the summer. Long rivers bring water from the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada Mountains that are dispersed throughout the region into reservoirs and canals that make comfortable homes for all kinds of frogs. 

  • California Red-Legged Frog. This is native to California and ranges in size from 1.5 to five inches long. This beautiful frog is a threatened species because of predation by the non-native Bullfrog. 
  • Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog. This is an endangered species of frog that lives in marshy and riparian areas above 4,500 feet in the Sierra Nevada range including Yosemite. This species lives near high lakes that are now stocked with fish that eat the frog’s eggs and tadpoles.
  • American Bullfrog. This species is a year-round resident of Furnace Creek, California, the hottest place in the world, having been introduced to the area in 1920.
  • Relict Leopard Frog. Once thought to be extinct, diligent researchers have discovered isolated populations of this frog in areas of the Mojave Desert of Southern Nevada and Southern Arizona near the Colorado River and Lake Mead.
  • Cliff Chirping Frog. There are three species of chirping frogs in Texas, but the Cliff Chirping Frog is native to the state. Males call loudly to attract females to their rocky hideouts, and the chirps can be easily confused with crickets.

Because of the pressures placed on by predators, some of these frog species are on the decline and are classified as a threatened species at risk for extinction. According to the National Park Service, the Relict Leopard Frog “was long thought to be extinct or near extinction, although surviving populations have been found.” 

3. American Midwest Frogs

The American Midwest is known for its biodiversity. Making up a huge swath of the continent, the Midwest is home to lakes, rivers, streams, mixed forests, and wide prairies.

  • Blanchard’s Cricket Frog. This little frog has a huge range from Michigan to Mexico, with the highest population being in Oklahoma and surrounding areas. Its call is a “tick” like two stones being tapped together. 
  • Crawfish Frog. This frog has a big, rounded head and is more stocky than typical frogs. It is very common through Missouri, Texas, Indiana, Kansas, and Oklahoma. It lives in riparian and marshy areas.
  • American Bullfrog. The bullfrog can grow very large, with adults weighing a pound or more. They live and breed near still water such as ponds and lakes. 
  • Pickerel Frog. The Midwest and south are home to a beautiful green frog with orange-brown patches called the Pickerel Frog. These are found in the cool waters of streams and ponds, and can even be found near moist cave entrances.

Among these frog species, the American bullfrog is one of the more well-known frog species found in the USA. 

Learn more about why Bullfrogs are hunted in the USA.

4. American South Frogs

The American South is lush with hot, humid summers and reliably mild winters. This is a perfect habitat for frogs. Florida alone is home to 27 native species of frogs. The climate and biodiversity can sustain numerous frogs across the Southern and Southeastern States.

  • Barking Tree Frog. This little frog has “sticky” footpads that allow it to climb up little tree limbs, on glass, and just about everywhere else. It got its name from the males of the species who make a low call that sounds like a barking dog, or even a goose. If you ever encounter a barking tree frog, then you will probably hear their distinct mating call used to attract females. 
  • Florida Bog Frog. This two-inch frog is rare and is found only in the slightly acidic waters of slow-moving streams, river edges, and other marshy areas in the upstate area.
  • Spring Peeper. Virginia is home to 28 kinds of frogs and toads. The cutest one might be the Spring Peeper. It earns its name by being the first songsters to announce the arrival of spring as soon as the snow thaws. 

Check out our article with 10 Types of Frogs You Can Find in Florida

5. American Northeast Frogs

The Northeast is a prime frog country with lakes, rivers, snowy uplands, coastal plains, and thousands of tributaries and marshy areas between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic.

  • New Jersey Chorus Frog. This tiny frog can be found and heard all along the coastal wetlands of the Northeast from New Jersey to Virginia. Its call sounds like someone running a nail across the tines of a comb.
  • Green Frog. No list of frogs is complete without this ubiquitous home visitor. It can be found anywhere there is water, especially during a rainstorm. Green frogs are one of the more prominent frog species found in the American Northeast because of their eye-catching color. 
  • Wood Frog. This frog is commonly found in forested areas, especially near clear streams and small pools where it can mate and lay eggs.
  • Atlantic Coast Leopard Frog. An endangered species, this one likes New York City, Staten Island, Long Island, and the Hudson Valley. It is becoming rarer as its population decreases in these areas.

Check out our articles with 12 Types of Frogs You Can Find in Michigan and 12 Types of Frogs You Can Find in Michigan.

More About Where to Find Frogs in The USA

Frogs live in every corner of the United States. Because the US is covered with a wide diversity of climates and landscapes, it is an ideal place for nearly 100 species of frogs. They may not always be easy to find, but they are usually easy to hear as they mix their nighttime calls with the crickets.

Here are our guides to help you find different types of frogs in the USA:

Common Questions About Frogs in The USA

What frogs live in the US? A wide variety of frogs live in the USA including Green Frogs, Wood Frogs, Spring Peeper, Leopard Frogs, Bull Frogs, Pickerel Frogs, California Red-Legged Frog, Pacific Tree Frogs, Oregon Spotted Frog, and Rocky Mountain Tailed Frogs.

What states have frogs? All States in the USA have wild frogs and toads from California to New York and including Alaska. Hawaii even has the Coqui Frog although it is not a native species to the island and was accidentally introduced in the 1980s.

Are there poisonous frogs in the United States? No frogs found in North America are highly toxic to humans, but all toads are poisonous and can be fatal to pets if ingested. However, Cope’s Gray Tree Frog, Pickerel Frog, and Cuban Tree Frog secretions can highly irritate sinuses if the mucous from their skin enters the eyes, mouth or nose.

Do frogs live in North America? Frogs live all over North America from Vancouver to Gaspé in Canada, and from Los Angeles to New York in the USA. Many frog species like American Bullfrogs thrive in the humid climate of Florida, and others like the Northern Spring Peeper can survive harsh Canadian winters.

Master Herpetologist

Sam is a Biologist passionate about amphibians. He took over toadsnfrogs.com to make frog education engaging and accessible, providing resources that inspire others to care for frogs and their habitats.