How to Draw a Cute Toad [Easy]

I know it’s strange, “especially for a girl” – but toads are my absolute favourite animal. I think they are cute, funny, and a whole lot of fun to draw.

The toad that we are drawing today is very cute, sophisticated, yet so easy to draw no matter your skill level!

This toad is based on one I found in the wild! 🙂 Check out the original toad photo below:

The toad I found in the wild

We are going to break down how to draw this toad step-by-step so it is super easy to create, no matter what kind of method you would like to use to draw it.

So grab a pencil or your favorite drawing software and let’s dive in 🙂

1. Start With The Toad’s Head

Start by drawing an oval-shape for the head.

Well that was pretty easy, right 🙂

This basic shape will help us define the toad’s facial features very shortly. 

Fun toad fact: Toads do not have necks. Therefore they cannot turn their heads like we can. Having eyes located on top of their head provides toad 360-degree vision around them, and helps compensate for the fact that they do not have a neck.

2. Sketch The Toad’s Body

Sketch in a hexagonal shape to define the body.

The hexagonal shape should be attached to the oval near the base.

There is no need to use another color here to do this, we just used blue to show that this is a new shape we are adding to the drawing.

Enjoying Drawing Frogs? 🙂 Why Not Color Them!

Check out the educational frog coloring books for even more fun and inspiration!

Color in frogs while learning about different species and their habits.

The blue will be even more important to show you what to draw in the next step.

We are really going to take our time to break it down easily. Let’s move on to a step that is a little more complex: defining the toads legs and arms.

Fun toad fact: Toads, like the one we are drying right now, have short hind legs that make them terrible jumpers, leapers, or swimmers. Toads are made for digging, contrary to most aquatic frogs that are powerful jumpers and swimmers.

3. Define The Toad’s Legs & Arms 

Ok here is where the drawing gets a bit more tricky.

Focus on the blue lines to see what we want you to trace into your drawing.

First, start by drawing a line through the hexagon from one end to the other.

Along that line, draw in two circles to define the top of the arm and leg that are visible to the viewer of the image.

Sketch in circular figures attached by lines to define and outline the legs, hands, and their positions.

If you are still confused when drawing this step, be sure to focus on the blue lines.

The next step is a bit more complex but we are going to break it down further to make it surer simple.

4. Sketch in The Toad’s Eyes & Toes

Once again, focus on the blue lines in this drawing, they are the steps you are working on.

Sketch out the arms by adding ovals around the circles that we drew previously.

It is like the lines you drew represents the central part of the toad’s arms and legs.

At this point we are ready to stretch in the tops of the toad’s eyes as well.

It’s fairly easy to add the outline of the eyes by simply adding two half circles at the top of the head.

Also, don’t forget the parotid gland on the top of the toad’s head behind its eyes.

Fun toad fact: All toads can secrete toxins from their skin from the parotid gland on the top of their head behind their eyes.

5. Sketch in The Toad’s Toes

Now you can erase the majority of your sketch lines to reveal the really cute shape of this toad drawing.  

You may also have to slightly refine your drawing by further defining the legs, knees, arms, and eyes.

Once that is done, add in the toad’s toes.

Fun toad fact: Toad’s have very different toes to most frog species and generally do not have pads for climbing, or webbed feet for swimming.

6. Erase Your Sketch Lines

Your toad drawing is looking awesome!

Be sure to erase the lines where the arms meet the chin.

Add in the side of the cheek.

Now let’s draw in the toad’s details!

7. Draw in The Toad’s Details

Toads have glands all over their bodies which are arranged in a fairly symmetric manner.

You can add some patterns on the toad’s body using an oval or circular shapes.

Be sure to draw the parotid gland on the top of the toad’s head behind it’s eyes.

Toads have super cute bellies so be sure to add an extra curved line downwards below the chin to define their little belly.

Enjoying Drawing Frogs? 🙂 Why Not Color Them!

Check out the educational frog coloring books for even more fun and inspiration!

Color in frogs while learning about different species and their habits.

Toads live their lives on land and breathe through their lungs, so be sure to add in their nose.

Draw in some cute eyes, a little smile, and a tympanum or cheek if you prefer.

Fun frog fact: Frogs can hear using the tympanic membrane on the sides of their head. But for some frogs it is so small that they have to use other means to hear what’s going on around them. Therefore, some frogs are better at hearing vibrations using their lungs rather than their “ears.”

8. Add Some Scenery

Feel free to add some scenery around the toad to liven up the drawing. 

In this case, we are going to be adding a grass since an adult toad’s natural habitat is on land.

You can add more vegetation or other relevant scenery around the toad if you’d like of course.

Fun toad fact: You can generally find toads eating at night after the sun has set. They spend the day underground in cool damp locations to stay out of the heat and to keep hydrated.

9. Trace Your Toad Drawing

Now it’s time to trace your toad to get closer to the final version 🙂

Begin by tracing around the toad first before working on the scenery and fine details.

Simply draw along the outline of your toad sketch in permanent marker if you are using a pencil-to-paper method, or finalize your drawing in a darker color in your image drawing software.

9. Trace The Toad Drawing Details

Then, complete the drawing by tracing in all the rest of the fine details.

These may include the toad’s glands and the scenery around it. 

Your drawing could be almost complete at this stage.

But if you would like you can also add extra fine details by drawing short defining lines close to main parts of the drawing (CTNF).

The optional thinner lines along the size of the frog’s main outline provide a shadow effect to your drawing, showing more depth, and giving some variation in the line thickness.

Be sure to erase any remaining sketch lines.

And there you have a very cute toad drawing!

This toad was created based on inspiration from photos of frogs that we took in the wild.

The photo that inspired this toad drawing
American Toad Back-min
Photo I took of a toad in a forest
Photo I took of a toad in the same forest

Although you’re absolutely allowed to draw this frog for personal use, keep in mind that this drawing is our intellectual property. Learn more in our terms.

Feel free to learn more about frogs and how to draw them on our blog:

Master Herpetologist

Sam is a Biologist passionate about amphibians. He took over to make frog education engaging and accessible, providing resources that inspire others to care for frogs and their habitats.