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What Do Tadpoles Eat?

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Watching tadpoles eat can be a fun and educational activity. But if you are planning on feeding them, knowing what they eat is essential for their survival. Feeding them the wrong things can kill them. You can be part of the solution to the decline in frog populations by helping tadpoles eat the right foods …

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Why Are My Tadpoles Dying?

If you have a pond at home and you are looking to raise your own frogs all the way from tadpoles, you need to make sure that your tadpoles are in an environment that is conducive to survival. While it is normal that not all tadpoles are going to survive into adulthood, there are some …

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How Many Tadpoles Survive?

Frogs lay eggs in substantial quantities, typically ranging within the hundreds to several thousands. While laying large numbers of eggs helps have a drastic impact on species continuation, overall, only a small fraction of tadpoles survive long enough to develop into mature adults capable of reproduction.Ā  Approximately 2% of frog eggs become tadpoles, 0.8% of …

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Spindly Leg Syndrome: Reasons & Treatment

As someone who works as a zookeeper and is studying to be an exotic veterinary technician, amphibians diseases and ailments are a large concern and interest for me. Learning the causes, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of exotic and wildlife diseases is important for all animals.  Spindly Leg Syndrome is a a sickness in frog …

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Do Tadpoles Have Gills?

Frogs go through various metamorphic changes from their formative stages until adulthood, many of which concern their breathing methods. Although frogs have lungs when they are mature, tadpoles are fully aquatic when they transform from fertilized frog eggs, requiring more creative tools for breathing. Tadpoles have external gills from 0 to 6 weeks of metamorphosis, …

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How Long do Tadpoles Take to Grow Legs?

All amphibians start as fully aquatic creatures, equipped with gills and tails for surviving underwater. However, they transition to life on land as they develop limbs and other physical tools for semi-aquatic lives. Although time spans vary between frog species and habitats, tadpoles generally go through the same developmental milestones. Most tadpoles start growing hind …

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Can Tadpoles Eat Fish Food?

Itā€™s not because we can eat something that we should. For example, you can eat hot dogs. But eating only hot dogs every day would certainly be bad for you, and could lead to obesity, malnutrition, and death. The same goes for frog tadpoles when it comes to fish food. Tadpoles should not be fed …

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Do Toads Have Tadpoles?

It is well-known that most amphibians begin their life cycles in water. But, there are some differences and individual cases where certain species do not transform into tadpoles. This has led many animal lovers and amphibian enthusiasts to wonder if toads have tadpoles like frogs and other amphibians. Most toad species lay eggs, which develop …

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Do Frogs Have Gills?

Amphibians undergo numerous metamorphic changes, many of which concern their respiratory systems. Since frogs spend part of their lives on land and in water, many amphibian enthusiasts wonder if frogs have gills for breathing underwater. Frogs have gills as tadpoles during the first 20 weeks of their lives when they primarily live in water. However, …

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How To Feed Tadpoles

Ensuring that tadpoles get nourishment during their early phases can be quite perplexing. Frogs go through many metamorphic changes, some of which concern their digestive systems and feeding capabilities, leaving amphibian enthusiasts to wonder how to feed tadpoles.  Before you dive in, remember you do not need to feed wild tadpoles. This article is made …

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