Will Tap Water Kill Frogs?

Although frogs are incredibly adept at surviving in various environments, their primary weakness is their highly sensitive and pourous skin. This weakness has led many amphibian enthusiasts to wonder what kind of water is safest for their well-being.  Tap water generally contains chlorine, ammonia and chloramines, which are extremely toxic to all amphibians. Such substances …

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Can Frogs Breathe Underwater?

It’s well-known that frogs live both on land and in water since they begin their lives as fully aquatic tadpoles and develop into semi-aquatic adults. But, how they manage to survive underwater leaves plenty of room for confusion. Frog tadpoles can breathe underwater through their gills and skin. As frogets, and adult frogs, they lose …

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What Do Tadpoles Eat?

Watching tadpoles eat can be a fun and educational activity. But if you are planning on feeding them, knowing what they eat is essential for their survival. Feeding them the wrong things can kill them. You can be part of the solution to the decline in frog populations by helping tadpoles eat the right foods …

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